Learn About Our ELD Consortium:

Join our English Language Development Community to improve results for your English Language Learners.
Scale Education & Research Foundation is inviting public, private schools, and boarding schools to participate in our English Language Learner Consortium. The Scale Education & Research Foundation will be accepting 5-10 schools in each geographic region to participate in this free program. Schools will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Receive free English Learner Development (ELD) resources for your school!
Participating schools will have the opportunity to pilot the TOEFL Junior® test, part of the TOEFL® Young Students Series developed by ETS, and learn about other Consortium resources and offerings. Register for one of our free information sessions to learn more.
Schools interested in this program must complete the following steps:
1. Complete the ELD Consortium registration (No Fee).
2. Participate in one of our ELD Consortium information and training sessions.
3. Receive TOEFL Junior training and create your testing implementation plan.
4. Receive free testing materials for the TOEFL Junior test.
5. Administer the TOEFL Junior test and receive test results.
6. Analyze results and develop your school's action plan.
7. Provide feedback to the Consortium regarding your school's future ELD program goals.
Free TOEFL® Young Students Series Pilot Program
Learn about our free offerings. Explore the benefits of the TOEFL Young Students Series, which includes: the TOEFL Junior Stardard test, the TOEFL Comprehension, the TOEFL® Primary™ tests, and the English Learning Centers, as well as other programs and English learner resources such as Acuity Courseware and the Criterion® Online Writing Evaluation service, to improve ELD. Learn how other schools are using the TOEFL® Young Students Series to meet the needs of their students.
English Learner Resource Tool Box
Click here to register for one of our information sessions. The information session is free for all educators. Learn from our English Language Learner coaches and experts about best practices, innovative tools, and resources currently used for ELD programs.
For more information, please call 888.551.8653.
Please contact us to inquire how TOEFL Junior Family of Assessments can help your English Language Learner.
Access All Your
TOEFL Junior Series:
TOEFL Junior Standard
TOEFL Comprehensive
English Learning Centers
TOEFL Young Series